Acting Governor Bird-Lake swears-in new MP’s

sep 23, 2024

HARBOUR VIEW, PHILIPSBURG — On Friday September 20, 2024, Her Excellency Acting Governor Emiko Bird-Lake, in accordance with article 56 of the Sint Maarten constitution, administered the oath to the Members of Parliament at the Governor’s Cabinet. The new Members of Parliament were elected in the August 19, 2024 Snap elections. In a public meeting of Parliament on September 16, the MP’s credentials were examined by the parliamentary committee on the credentials in accordance with article 54 of the Sint Maarten constitution. The official swearing in of the members of parliament is the last formal step that is taken to allow the elected members of parliament to officially fulfill their duties and enact their powers under the constitution. In principle, the new parliament of Sint Maarten will be in function until September 20, 2028.

Vice-chairlady of the Council of Advice; Chairman of the Audit Chamber; Ombudsman; Chairman of the social economic council; Griffier of Parliament; Acting Chairlady of the Central Voting Bureau; Acting chairlady of the Electoral Council;
Commander of the Marines detachment on Sint Maarten; Vice president of the joint court; Distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen;

A pleasant Good morning

On August 19th, of this year, 61% of the eligible voters of Sint Maarten, came out for this snap election and used their democratic right and voted each one of you into this legislative body of government known as the parliament. Congratulations parliament elect on this new opportunity!!

This body is made up of 15 elected members from seven political parties.
A diverse group of people, with different political backgrounds, personalities, life experiences, beliefs, morals, unique perspectives, and ways of thinking.

Both professionally and academically, research has shown that diversity brings an increase in innovation, creativity, motivation, problem-solving and ultimately promotes team unity.
"Real diversity and inclusion doesn’t mean that we will always agree. It means that even when we disagree, we can still respect each other. We can vehemently disagree with someone's ideology while passionately pursuing their humanity.”
" — Justin Jones-Fosu.
All members of parliament have equal rights, privileges, and obligations. The majority has the right to decide. The minority has rights which must be protected.
As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I want to highlight your three main tasks as elected parliamentarians:
• To represent the interests and concerns of the people of Sint Maarten.
• To act as co-legislator /a law maker.
• To examine and be prepared to challenge the work of the government; scrutinize the expenditures, administration and policies.

Over the past years, we  have endured environmental, social and economic challenges. We have been focusing mostly on building back a more resilient Sint Maarten which includes the well-being of our society, but in reality it is evident that it remains a struggle for many of us to thrive.
The main strategic goal should be to ensure that Sint Maarten can become self-sustainable in every aspect. 
To ensure that our future generations can survive and thrive on this our “sweet Sint Maarten land”. Decisions made must foster sustainability.
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Through sound planning and good preparation you can effectively and efficiently accomplish your goals. As the saying goes “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail”.
As a parliamentarian a broad spectrum of knowledge, understanding and wisdom is needed . Wisdom usually does not fall into your lap. That is because wisdom is not just a mentality—it is a physical reality with practical applications.

I encourage you members of parliament to lead and make decisions in an ethical and transparent manner.  Set aside  personal agendas and use your position in Parliament to  ensure good governance. Maintain a united front as it remains a collective responsibility.

You are  democratically elected representatives of the people of Sint Maarten, and you must justify your decisions to the people of Sint Maarten.

As parliamentarians you are also  human beings that can be flawed. Therefore, it is important to remember to manage expectations and to try as best as possible to keep your moral compass pointing in the right direction. Follow your rules of order, be thorough in complying with members’ interests and ensure that you are transparent and maintain a high degree of integrity.
Your success is directly related to your integrity, resilience, diligence, perseverance and discipline.
You have four fundamental guidelines to assist you and keep you focused during your term in parliament: 
1. Integrity; 
2. Allegiance; 
3. The Rule of Law; and 
4. The general interest of the people of St. Maarten.

I swear (declare) that I have not given or promised anything to anyone whosoever, directly or indirectly, under any name or pretext whatsoever, in connection with me being elected as a Member of Parliament, nor shall I do so. 
I swear (promise), that I shall not accept any pledge or gift of any description from any person whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in order to take or refrain from any action of any description in this position. Integrity.
I swear (promise) my loyalty to the King and the Charter for the Kingdom; Allegiance.
that I shall always help to uphold the Constitution of Sint Maarten
The Rule of Law.
and shall promote the well-being of Sint Maarten to the best of my ability.
The general interest of the people of Sint Maarten.

With honor I now proceed to invite you forward to take the oath, the final step required in order for you to be able to carry out your function as members of Parliament. Let us begin.

Congratulations Members of parliament, Congratulations family members and friends, Congratulations to the people of Sint Maarten, God bless Sint Maarten.