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the Governor's Speeches
A Christmas Message 2010
Delivered by His Excellency Eugene B. Holiday for TV and radio (2010)
To the People of Sint Maarten
Christmas is, for many, a period of hope and a time of spiritual renewal. Thus as we celebrate Christmas and close off 2010 let us take time out to reflect on what brought us to this point as a people. Let us be thankful that we live in Sint Maarten with all that it have offered and still has to offer. In doing so I call on you to activate the true Sint Maarten spirit and values as expressed in the creed, “The Friendly Island”. As I make this call I urge you, as individuals and as a people to be mindful of the less fortunate, both among us and abroad, and to continue to care and share as manifested towards our Haitian brethren earlier this year.
Let this Christmas be a moment to reinvigorate our core values as a kind, caring, and sharing Sint Maarten people. Let us, mindful of the peaks and valleys of life, apply these values and our proven resilience, to face and overcome challenges. Resilience as have been demonstrated on various occasions and in particular in response to natural disaster.
Both characteristics of the St. Maarten people; friendly and resilient, which guide us in everything we do, combine to remind us that we are a strong people. Combine to remind us that a strong people in the spirit of Christmas, is a people with hope; is a nation with hope for something better.
As our young nation and new country looks back upon the events of a constitutionally historic year, and forward to the next, I call on all to reaffirm our commitment to uphold our core values and the principles of freedom, equality, solidarity and justice, upon which our nation was founded. In reaffirming my commitment I shall work on the promotion of “excellence in governance to serve the people of St. Maarten”.
Christmas will remain, for many, a time when family and friends come together to celebrate and share the joy we feel and to hope for something better.
Marie-Louise and I wish you all a joyous, safe and peaceful Christmas.
May God bless you.